BRANTAX » Mapping of Buried Utilities and Electrical Lines using Electromagnetic Induction Locator

Mapping of Buried Utilities and Electrical Lines using Electromagnetic Induction Locator

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Mapping of Buried Utilities and Electrical Lines using Electromagnetic Induction LocatorMapping of buried utilities and electrical lines in order to avoid the occurrence of accidents and damages during the execution drilling research. Since the investigated land was located in an industrial site, the presence of numerous metallic elements made it impossible to use electromagnetic equipment in time domain and vertical magnetic gradient method.

Georadar (GPR) method was also impossible to use because of the land deformation, boulders layer and gravel surface; all these prevent coherent  and interpretable signal reception. Under these condition we used only electromagnetic induction locator with different frequencies signal. The results  were very good and penetration of passive and active cables or pipelines were avoided.

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